
The money making mastermind

sustainable growth + massive results for ambitious entrepreneurs 

You’re here for a reason. You’re done waiting for results and you know it’s your time to make it happen.
It’s your time to have the insights + support that creates results. 


The Money Making Mastermind.

It’s your time to create the money for the things that really matter without the burn out or working endless hours.

It doesn’t matter if you’re signing on your first client, selling your 100th product or enrolling people in your (new) group program,
the waves of uncertainty can take you out of the game, and it’s time to get back on the wagon, consistently.

There’s no need to sign up for another course, training, ebook or other freebie. You know you’ve learned a lot in your journey.
It’s about time that knowledge and drive started to pay off for you.

The Money Making Mastermind focuses on mindset & implementation for entrepreneurs.
Practical action steps for sustainable growth, and a group of entrepreneurs who have your back and hold you accountable.

Are you ready to get the support you need to get what you really want?

The Money making mastermind is about...

Intentional Mindset

Learn how to work your mindset in a way that works for you with short, sweet an actionable resources that don't take hours to work.


Create an action plan with smart & aligned next steps so achieving your goals becomes simple & managable!

Meaningful money

Make the money you deserve. Whether it's about raising your prices or signing on that next client, let's make it happen.

progress & Impact

Track your progress with an accountability system + get the invaluable support from other mastermind participants.

What we'll be covering

This mastermind mainly focuses on what you need to make the money and time you want, combined with skills and tools that can help you move forward more quickly.

Month 1: Planning + productivity + progress

Let’s start with you! What are your goals and focus during our time together in The Money Making Mastermind? We’ll create a money making plan that will help you stay on track. Next to that, we’ll set up structures to help you achieve your goals and have you be more productive than ever – without burning out!

Month 2: Mindset, Money & More

Your mindset creates your actions – are you aware of your mindset and how to work with it? We’ll also cover money mindset, money blocks and money making. Because if you can change your money mindset and remove your money blocks – making money finally becomes easy!

Month 3: Masterful Momentum

As we’re in month 3, we’ll focus on the progress you’re making and how you can keep it up. The goal is to create a sustainable system that works for you. Momentum also applies to your mindset, and we will create practices that will support you in keeping you on track.

Month 4: Get Growing

Keeping the momentum from month 3, we’ll keep the challenges, growth and transformation coming. Month 4 will be completely set up with your needs in mind. Whether that is making a 6 month plan to move forward with, or additional mindset training, let’s make it work for you.

This  mastermind is for the entrepreneur who is ready to…

The mastermind is not…

A place where we only focus on mindset. Mindset is an important part of your work as an entrepreneur, but just mindset won’t get you the results you desire. We’ll make the mindset practical and applicable to you & your business.

A place where we only focus on action. It’s important to find a balance between business time and personal time that works for you. Because we’re not here to have you work yourself to the bone but feel exhausted and unfulfilled!

A place where cookie cutter approaches work. We’ll make this program tailored to the members of the mastermind. You’ll have plenty of time to share your challenges, get support and accountability to help you move forward.

Who is leading this mastermind?

Lisette van der Valk

In case we haven’t met – hi! I’m Lisette van der Valk, leadership & success coach for ambitious entrepreneurs, founders & executives. I help you master your mindset, skillset and toolset so you can run a successful and meaningful business and while making more than enough time and money for the things that really matter.

I focus on supporting entrepreneurial minds after their initial start up phase. In your start up phase, you’re learning many things about your product, running your business, marketing, sales and so much more, and learning to put these things into practice. By now you’ve worked with your first few clients and/or sold your product/service and you’re ready to get consistent and grow beyond having “just enough” in your business. With practical support & coaching I’ll help you to go from “just enough” income and  “never enough” time in your business and life to having more than enough time and money for the things that really matter. 

Ready to get started?

The Money Making Mastermind contains:

– Four months of coaching in an intimate setting (4-6 members) 
Biweekly mastermind calls with accountability, hot seats, coaching, support and insights

– An intimate, supportive group of fellow entrepreneurs who are there to support each other
Every entrepreneur needs a group of like minded entrepreneurs to have their back. 

– A pre-program Map Your Impact Module
Plan out your goals and break them down to easy steps with the Map Your Impact Module, so you can start the Mastermind with a solid foundation

– A No-Member-Left-Behind Promise
We’ll hold you accountable to your big goals and dreams and help you move forward, even if *shit hits the fan*

– Tools and resources specifically selected for you + the group


Your investment: €2000 
Or four monthly installments of €550
(Includes 21% BTW/VAT + Your investment is deductible as a business expense)

Want to find out if you are a good fit for The Money Making Mastermind?