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Who doesn’t want to create results faster? As leaders we’re always looking at the next thing that will support us on our journey to create more success. But those “magic pills” we’ve all tried haven’t really seemed to work! Today I want to bring you an idea that could flip things on its head for you. What jealousy has to do with it? You’ll have to listen to this episode!
Lisette van der Valk is an executive & leadership coach who helps entrepreneurs & executives who look like they have it all, but know there’s something more. I partner with them to help fulfill their vision in a way that is effortless, effective and creative so they can finally feel successful + fulfilled.
Facebook page: http://facebook.com/coachlisettevandervalk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/lisettevdvalk
Instagram: http://instagram.com/lisettevdvalk