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Deanne Vincent is a Women’s Empowerment Coach who specializes in helping women stop letting their health issues & secret body battles hold them back from living and loving fully! After her 8th surgery a spark was lit within her to no longer settle and found a whole new “normal”. She believes that women with an imperfect body are meant for so much more. The women Deanne work with no longer struggle with their painful/shameful past and become the woman they want to be today (not “one day”) so they create the life they deserve; one of freedom and fulfilment!
Find Deanne Here
Website: www.theearthgirl.com
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/eearthgirl/
Facebook Group : https://www.facebook.com/groups/earthgirl/
Instagram: @earthgirlakadeanne
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/eearth_girl/