Make a change.
Make a difference.
Make it matter.

Insights + action for remarkable humans, entrepreneurs and leaders through coaching, consulting and facilitation.


I’m Lisette, and I’m not your average coach.

I am the coach for remarkable humans who would rather do it right than trying to do the things other people say they should do to be successful.

There are plenty of people who can teach you the shortcuts and fast tactics that you’ve likely heard before. You tried implementing quite a few of them, though they never seemed to work like they worked for “other people”. But you’re not “other people” – you are a remarkable human with a brilliant mind that doesn’t know what “average” means. Your enthusiasm for your big ideas is contagious, and you can’t wait to make the world a better place with them, or you’re already in the process of doing just that.

Welcome home. 

This space is for people like you: those who are truly willing to understand, because there was no user manual, business book or self help guide that was really written for your personal and professional successes. You are willing to challenge yourself, your thinking and your abilities – it’s what you always do. And that’s what makes you such a brilliant human. 

It’s your time to make a change, make a difference, and make it matter.

But only in a way that actually works for you.

Are you ready to finally get what you always wanted?

Coaching is about maximizing your (internal) resources. You don’t need more than what you have right now to succeed (don’t let them fool you). It’s about changing how you look at things, so the things you look at change. A coach will not tell you what to do – you’re way too smart for that. 

As your coach, I’m here to help you detangle what’s in the way.

What would your world look like if you had the confidence and action plan to actually do the big things you’re so excited about? 

Unlock your remarkable skills.


Create lasting confidence in yourself and your abilities, in a truly authentic way.


Increase your performance & effectiveness in life and work without doing more.


Improve your communication skills in your personal and professional life.


Develop a healthy work-life balance that gives you room to breathe.

Years Of Coaching
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international coaching clients
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mentoring & consulting clients
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Hi, I’m Lisette.

I do a lot – that’s what I always say. I’m a multipassionate life & business coach, (marketing & business) consultant, facilitator & candle maker at Quietly Quirky

When I’m not doing those things, I enjoy cuddling with my cat Kuma, practicing yoga, singing in choir or having a spontaneous dance party. 

Want to get in touch? Try my email:

Some fun (and formal) facts.

Multipassionate entrepreneurship

I started my first business at age 19, and am always cooking up new ideas to put a smile on more faces and make a difference.

Dutch directness, it really is a thing.

Born and raised in the Netherlands, I’ll tell you like it is. We just don’t beat around the bush. It’s not rude, it’s efficiency with love.

"Professional believer in people"

My favorite title one of my clients once gave me. It’s true, and it’s a way of life – seeing the best in others so they can see it for themselves.

What I do for my clients?

I help remarkable and ambitious humans grow themselves (and their businesses) so they can have a bigger positive impact and make the world a better place. 

My formal training credentials

University of Groningen, the Netherlands (MA), Co-Active Training Institute, CRR Global, Relational Leadership Academy

The Menu.

Pick and choose, served with a generous amount of handholding + a swift kick in the pants.

The Partnership.

The Partnership is what it says on the tin. A smart, fun, and thought provoking process for ambitious humans. Grow yourself, learn what makes you tick and finally reach your goals in a way that’s right for you. Big challenges, small steps – great insights and smart accountability.

The Mastermind.

A small group of entrepreneurs coming together with one purpose: intentionally grow their business, together. Grow yourself – and your business through this hybrid group coaching mastermind. Get ready to level up like never before, in great company.

The Mentor.

Building your coaching, consulting, or other service based business? With over 14 years of entrepreneurial experience, I’m happy to guide you as start or grow your business. We’ll look at what you need – bringing a blend of coaching, teaching and consulting. 

The Consultant.

Not sure how to fix that one problem, and couldn’t find the answer on Google? Want to pick my brain when it comes to my coaching, marketing or business expertise? For that, I have custom consultancy packages, to support you in finding what works for you and your business. 

Happy clients.

Curious? Let’s talk.

I’m not interested in selling myself or what is on the menu, I’m interested to see if I can bring value to your world. This chat isn’t just your regular sales call, it’s an actual experience of working with me. If we both agree by the end it’s a good idea to move forward, we can start our collaboration together. If either of us feels like right now is not the time, no hard feelings. I have a small coaching/consulting practice, and require a hell yes commitment from both sides so you know you’re committed to the process, and I know that I can go all out to deliver my value in your world.

Please block out 75-90 minutes in your calendar for this call, we’ll dive deep and leave no stone unturned.